The chair sternly rebuked the audience for their laughter.
" Aslan a man! " said Mr Beaver sternly.
Matt puts his newspaper down and addresses her sternly.
George! said he sternly to his son, who has done this?
" What were you doing? " asked Hermione sternly.
If minor errors were punished so sternly, what would be the fate of this arch rebel?
" Sir, " he corrected, not harshly, but sternly.
" ‘先生’。" 他纠正我,虽不粗暴,却也严厉。
" Attend, and speak the truth! " said Clym sternly.
" Morfin has broken Wizarding law, " said Ogden sternly.
" You're the High King, " said Trumpkin sternly.
" Get back into your chair! " said Holmes sternly.
" 坐到你的椅子上去!" 福尔摩斯厉声说。
Don't think about that, Harry told himself sternly for the hundredth time that summer.
" I've got them counted, Hagrid, " said Charlie sternly.
" Parker's their fate, " the sorcerer said sternly.
“帕克… … 这是他们的命运。”法师严厉地说道。
25 " Be quiet! " said Jesus sternly. " Come out of him! "
25 耶稣责备他说、不要作声、从这人身上出来吧。
" Fanged Frisbees banned, hand it over, " she told him sternly.
" That's all nonsense, for babies, " said the King sternly.
Papa asked sternly. " Mr. Street gave them to me, " Marcenia said.
爸爸严厉地问。 “先生。街把他们给了我。
Do not jest at that which is sacred, said the other, sternly.
" Your father thinks very highly of Mad-Eye Moody, " said Mrs. Weasley sternly.
" Harry, there is nothing so important as you learning Occlumency! " said Lupin sternly.