| 划词

It was proved that it is important to control the duration, intensity and supercompensation of overload training, which is of significance to the cardiovascular system.




for the present, for the purpose of, for the remainder of, for the sake of, for the time, for the time being, for...purposes, for...reason, fora, forage, forager, foram, foramacoria, foramen, foramen magnum, foramen of Monro, foramina, foraminate, foraminifer, foraminifera, foraminiferal, foraminiferan, Foraminiferida, foraminiferous, foraminose, foraminule, foraminulum, forane, Foras, forasmuch, forate, forati, foratini, foration, FORATOM, foray, forb, forbad, forbade, forbear, forbearance, forbearing, forbears, Forbes, forbesite, forbid, forbiddance, forbidden, Forbidden City, forbidden fruit, forbiddenness, forbidding, forbode, forbore, forborne, forby, forbye, forcast, force, force feed, force field, force majeure, force out, force pump, force-circulation, forced, forced landing, forced-draft, forced-feed, forced-feeding, forcedly, forced-oil-cooled, forced-oil-cooling, forcedown, force-feed, force-feedback, force-field, forceful, forcefully, Forcel, force-land, forceless, forceload, forcemeat, forcemeter, force-out, forcep, forceps, forcer, forceup, forcherite, forcible, forcibly, forcing, forcipal, forcipate, forcipated, forcipiform, Forcipomyia, forcipression, forcipressure, Forcipulatida, ford, fordable, forde, fording, Fordism, fordize, fordless, fordo, fordone, fore, fore-, fore and aft, fore finger, fore-and-aft, fore-and-after, fore-anus, fore-arc, forearm, forebay, forebear, forebitt, fore-blow, foreboard, forebode, foreboding, forebody, foreboom, foreboot, forebrain, forebreast, forebridge, forecabin, forecaddie, forecarriage, forecast, forecaster, forecasting, forecastle, forecastleman, forechains, forecheck, forechoir, forecited, foreclose, foreclosure, foreconscious, foreconsciousness, forecooler, forecooling, forecourse, fore-course, forecourt, fore-crop, fored, foredate, fore-date, foredawn, foredeck, fore-deck, foredeep, foredo, foredone, foredoom, foredoomed, foredoor, fore-drag, foredune, foreedge, fore-end, foreface, forefather, forefatherly, forefathers, forefeel, forefeeling, forefeet, forefend, forefield, forefinger, fore-finger, foreflow, forefoot, forefront, foreganger, foregate, foregather, fore-gear, foregift, foregirt, foregleam, foreglimpse, forego, foregoer, foregoing, foregone, foregone conclusion, foregrinding, foreground, foreground processing, foregrounding, foregut, fore-guy, forehammer, forehand, forehanded, forehatch, forehead, forehead-plasty, forehearth, foreheater, forehock, forehold, forehoods, forehoof, forehook, forehorse, foreign, foreign aid, foreign bill, foreign correspondent, foreign exchange, foreign minister, foreign mission, Foreign Office, foreign policy, foreign service, foreign-born, foreigner, foreignism, foreignize, foreignness, foreintestine, fore-intestine, forejudge, fore-kidney, foreknew, foreknow, foreknowledge, forel, forelady, foreland, forelandbasin, foreleech, foreleg, forelift, forelimb, fore-limb, fore-limbbud, foreline, forellenstein, forelock, foreman, foremast, foremastman, forementioned, foremilk, foremost, foremother, forename, forenamed, foreneck, forenight, forenoon, forenotice, forensic, forensic medicine, forensic pathology, forensics, Forenvar, foreoath, foreordain, foreordination, forepale, forepart, forepassed, forepast, forepaw, forepeak, forepiece, foreplane, foreplate, foreplay, forepleasure, fore-pleasure, forepole, forepoling, forepost, forepressure, fore-prism, forepump, forepumping, forequarter, forerake, foreran, forereach, foreribs, fore-rigging, foreroom, fore-royal, forerun, forerunner, forerunners, forerunning, fore-running, foresaddle, foresaid, foresail, foresaw, forescatter, forescattered, foresee, foreseeable, foreseeingly, foreseen, foreseer, foreset, foresey, foreshadow, foreshadowing, foreshank, foresheet, foreship, foreshock, foreshore, foreshorten, foreshortening, foreshot, foreshots, foreshow, foreside, foresight, foresighted, foresite, foreskin, fore-skysail, foresleeve, foreslope, foresound, forespeak, forespent, fore-spinning, forespore, forest, forest fire, forestage, forestair, forestall, forestation, forestay, forestaysail, forest-cost-capital, forest-deterioration, forest-division, forested, forester, forest-esthetics, forest-floor, forest-humus, foresthygienics, forestiere, forest-insect, forestis, forestland, forest-law, forest-litter, forest-master, forest-nursery, forestock, fore-stock, forestomach, forestope, forest-police, forest-property, forest-protection, forest-railroad, forest-railway, forest-region, forest-right, forest-road, forestry, forests, forest-school, forest-servitude, forest-staff, forest-survey, forest-surveying, forest-taxation, forest-tramway, forest-tree, forest-tundra, forest-warden, forest-yaws, forest-zoology, foreswear, foretack, foretaste, foretaster, foretell, forethigh, forethought, forethoughtful, forethoughtfully, forethoughtfulness, foretime, foretoken, foretold, foretooth, fore-tooth, foretop, foretopgallant, fore-topgallant, foretopgallantmast, foretopman, foretopmast, fore-topmast, foretopsail, fore-topsail, foretriangle, fore-trough, foretruck, foreturn, foretype, forevacuum, forever, forever and a day, forevermore, foreverness, forewarm, forewarmer, forewarming, forewarn, forewarning, forewarningly, forewaters, forewent, forewing, forewinning, forewoman, foreword, foreworld, foreworn, forex, foreyard, forfaiting, Forfarshire, forfeit, forfeitable, forfeiter, forfeits, forfeiture, forfend, forfex, forficate, forficated, forfication, forficiform, forficulate, forgat, forgather, forgave, forge, forgeability, forgeable, forged, forgenin, forger, forgery, forget, forget me not, forgetful, forgetfully, forgetfulness, forgetive, forget-me-not, forgettable, forgetter, forgettery, forgetting, forging, forgings, forgivable, forgive, forgiven, forgiveness, forgiving, forgivingly, forgo, forgot, forgotten, forification, for-instance, forint, forjudge, fork, fork lift, fork over, forkdinner, forked, forker, forkful, forkguide, forkhead, forkiness, forking, fork-join, forklift, forklike, forkman, forks, forktail, fork-tail, forktailed, forktruck, forky, forlorn, forlorn hope, form, form letter, formability, FORMAC, formacyl, formagen, formal, formal logic, formaldehyde, formaldehydesulfoxylate, formaldoxime, formale, Formalhaut, formalin, formalise, formalism, formalist, formalistic, formality, formalization, formalize, formalizedarithmetic, formally, formaloin, formamidase, formamide, formamidine, formamidoxime, formamine, formamyl, forman, formanilide, formanite, formant, formants, formasone, format, formate, formater, formation, formation-class, formation-group, formationtester, formation-type, formative, formativetechnology, formativetissue, format-pattern, formats, formatted, formatter, formatting, formazan, formazane, formazyl, formboard, formbuilding, formcoke, form-cutting, form-drag, forme, formed, formenkreis, formentemia, former, formeret, formerly, formers, Formetanate, formfeed, formfitting, formgrader, formhydrazide, formiate, formic, formic acid, formica, formicarium, formicary, formicate, formication, formiciasis, Formicidae, formicide, formicin, formicine, formicivorous, Formicoidea, formidable, formidably, formin, forming, Formite, Formjel, formkreis, formkreisen, formless, formnoun, formocresol, formohydrazide, formol, formolatiom, formolite, formolize, formoltitration, formolysis, formonitrile, formononetin, Formosa, Formosan, formose, Formosul, formosulfabenzamide, formosulfacetamide, formosulfathiazole, formothion, formoxime, formoxy, formoxyl, formpiston, forms, formset, form-tying, formula, formulable, formulae, formulaic, formular, formularise, formularism, formularization, formularize, formulary, formulas, formulate, formulating, formulation, formulator, formula-transformation, formulise, formulism, formulist, formulistic, formulization, formulize, formulizer, formvar, formword, formwork, formycin, formyl, formylamine,


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