6.Because of this “macro mania”, funds make “little or no distinction between Poland and Peru, India and Indonesia”, which he suggests further synchronises these markets.
8.Generally, I prefer Kindle version because then you can highlight, you can synchronise, you can take notes on the computer, which is way quicker than taking notes by hand.
9.As well as being physically demanding, it requires people to synchronise their limbs and to react to outside stimuli, such as what the rest of the band is up to.
10.American, European and Ukrainian officials all say that there are many examples of Russian cyber-attacks synchronised with physical attacks, suggesting a degree of co-ordination between the two branches.
11.And that's where we need, as I say, longer-term planning that synchronises these things rather than just the celebration of very impressive tactical feats but without the necessary exploitation.
12.As well as the uplifting music, it seems that synchronising your breathing, heartrate and voice with other people has the remarkable effect of making us feel connected to one another.
13.Ah, you slipped in another of our words there – 'synchronised', which means 'moving together at the same time or speed as someone or something else'. " We synchronised our watches so that we all arrived at the same time" .
14.In 2021 a persistent heat dome over North America's Pacific north-west produced perfect conditions for widespread burns which would have taxed firefighters even if they had not been synchronised.