He had recourse to the law everywhere, and the tapster was everywhere acquitted.
处求助于法律, 而酒馆老板处都被宣告无罪。
His story, in short, was that soon after his wedding a tapster enticed away his wife.
简而言之,的故事是结婚后不久, 一酒馆老板引诱了的妻子。
Then the tapster and another workman beat him until he bled, and the following day the tapster's house took fire.
然后,酒馆老板和另一把打得流血, 第二天,酒馆老板的房子着火了。
The tapster told him that she was not there, although he saw her when coming in, and ordered him to depart.
酒馆老板告诉她不, 虽然进来时看了她, 并命令离开。