First, the low moods are identical to those in a related disorder - major depressive disorder, also known as unipolar depression.
But along with these lows, the thing that sets bipolar disorders apart from unipolar depression is that individuals can have periods of high moods, which are called manic episodes or hypomanic episodes, depending on their level of severity.
If you have everyday unipolar depression, that is, you feel very sad and you show other symptoms associated with depression, an excellent treatment for you is some combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and possibly antidepressant medications like SSRIs.
如果你每天都有单相抑郁症,也就是说,你感到非常悲伤, 并且你表现出与抑郁症相关的其他症状,对你来说,一个很好的治疗方法是认知行疗法和可能的抗抑郁药物(如SSRIs)的某种组合。