13.However,in the processing of multispectral and hyperspectral,the usage of this technology has been restricted because of the unconsidering the chromatic aberration.
14.The basic principles of the triboelectricity beneficiation and high gradient magnetic separation technology,as well as its current status of development and usage,were presented.
15.This paper briefs the industrial usages i and harmfulness of cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone, and reviews the research progresses in microbial degradation of cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone.
16.The start reading framae and stop codons, base composition in protein-coding genes and the codon usage of amino acids in Scolopendra multilane were compared with the three other myriapods.
17.By the adjustment of the board in the machine ,the sprinkling orientation and area can be adjusted .The whole vehicle is rotproof and has a long life of usage.
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