11.It was sort of like you put American Family through this quick-cut, MTV-style edit with canid angles and constructed with all this verve and music hits and stuff.
有点像你让 American Family 通过快速剪辑、MTV 风格剪辑,用犬齿状角度构建,并用所有些神韵和热门音乐等构建。机翻
12.She has a comic verve that recalls Julie Hagerty and Leslie Mann, yet her tired eyes suggest something more, a woman whose sensitivity and intelligence can be self-defeating.
13.Since then it has developed several additional meanings, including the closely related " recklessly bold" and " marked by originality and verve" , as in " her audacious new album heralds the future of hip-hop" .
14.I had never seen the bishop but at a dinner or luncheon party, and a very good trencherman he was, who enjoyed his food and a glass of good wine, telling funny and sometimes ribald stories with verve.