1.The world’s coldest continent, and the most difficult to reach, is Antarctica.
2.The flower-shaped larva of a scyphomedusa jelly drifts in Antarctica's Weddell Sea.
3.A hydromedusa spreads its luminescent tentacles in the Weddell Sea near Antarctica.
4.In this area the climate changes from cool, humid, and subpolar to the frozen conditions of Antarctica.
5.Safe for the moment from predaceous leopard seals, chinstrap penguins are the second most abundant species in Antarctica and the sub-Antarctic.
6.The two transpolar shortwave time signal circuits,Moscow and Irkutsk to the Great Wall Station in Antarctica, are used to study the fading characters for shortwave long circuit.
7.Rand Flem-Ath and Graham Hancock all write that an unknown advanced civilization existed on the Antarctica continent and was destroyed by cataclysmic shifting of the crust of the Earth.