1.Their cloak of neutrality in the Iran-Iraq war was beginning to wear a bit thin.
2.Iraq's northern border with Turkey.
3.His fierce opposition to the Iraq war led David Frum, a leading neoconservative, to denounce him as unpatriotic.
4.Iraq's government could make amends for the mistake of his overhasty execution by making sure those investigations continue.
5.One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was “told by a friend” that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals.
6.There was another example, and that was the famous case of the alleged contract between Iraq and Niger for the import of yellowcake, uranium oxide.
7.The Jake London is poses as by "the superhuman", he has not become the superhuman, but "the Martin Iraq Ascended" indeed is had surmounted the timework.
8.In Iraq's case this was the Baath, or Renaissance, Party, a vehicle which he ultimately transformed, through terrifyingly capricious ruthlessness, into a fascistic tool for his own absolute control.
9.While the Pope and Mr.Bush differ on such issues as rock roll the Iraq war and the death penally penalty, they do find coming common ground at in opposing abortion and gay marriage.