1.When the sun shines through a light rain, it makes a rainbow.
2.In the rainbow, one color melts into another.
在彩虹, 各种颜色互相交融。
3.The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.
4.The rainbow described an arc in the dark sky.
5.The prism broke the light into all the colors of the rainbow.
6.At sight of the rainbow, the children were more glad than the parents.
看见彩虹, 孩子们比人更高兴。
7.A bright rainbow arched above.
8.The sight of rainbow while taking a break makes me feel happy like getting a charming anadem of victor.
9.Snow,pin,mountains montagnes et clear warm winds. Rainbows show up after rain, Chalets show up after clouds. Solaire everywhere. Luxurioux smiles pretting simply.
10.The afternoon sun shines through the water curtain, resulting in sections of rainbows, which makes you come to know more and more what is floridness out of commonness.