1.Pseudoparenchyma A fungal or algal tissue resembling parenchyma but made up of interwoven hyphae (fungi) or filaments (algae).
2.The study of reef-buiding biont of the Late-Carboniferous in Southern Guizhou rely mainly on alga,such as phylloid-algal and siphonopore algal.
3.Taking into account of the biogenic components, the algal dolomite, the main component of algal reefs, consisted of Cladosiphonia sinensis, Serpula shandongensis etc.
4.Competition between the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus and the cladoceran moina macrocopa in relation to algal food concentration and initial rotifer population density.
5.The water eutrophication is caused by the incessant accumulation of nitrogen and phosphorus in water and excessive propagation of a few of algal and hydrobios.
6.Reproduction in lichens may be asexual by soredia (algal cells enclosed by fungal hyphae) or by sexual fungal spores, which can survive only if some algal cells are also present.