Ingredient: KL sublimation medicinal preparation 80%, dextrorotary alkyne fifth heavenly stem chrysanthemum ester 2-3%, function medicinal preparation 1- 3%.
KL升华剂80%,右旋炔戊酯2-3%,功能剂1- 3%。
Ingredient: KL sublimation medicinal preparation 80%, dextrorotary alkyne fifth heavenly stem chrysanthemum ester 2-3%, function medicinal preparation 1- 3%.
KL升华剂80%,右旋炔戊酯2-3%,功能剂1- 3%。
The synthsis methods of N-sulfuryl substitude hetercycles by the reaction of alkyne with sulfamide catalyzed by diverse transition mentals were reviewed in this paper.