14.The fruit is about 450g in weight, shiny and blue-green pericarp, alternating with straight stripe and nubble.
15.The electro-magnetic microgenerator utilizes a moving magnet or coil for inducing an alternating electric current in a circuit.
16.Individual brain processes generate 'waves' of alternating voltage which can be measured on the scalp by an electro-encephalograph.
17.Petals free, alternating with 5 extrastaminal nectary glands, yellow to reddish yellow, rarely white, often denticulate at apex.
18.Leaves basal and cauline, alternate, rarely opposite or whorled, simple or variously compound, palmately nerved, rarely penninerved, with or without stipules.
19.A relationship between the accepting powers of sub logarithmic space bounded two way alternating pushdown automata with and without 1 inkdot is investigated.
20.An alternate procedure is to soak the affected areas in an iced 0.13% water solution (1:750) of Zephiran chloride (benzalkonium chloride solution, NF).