1.The foreign friends hope that they can join the celebrations for the university's eighty anniversary.
2.He has a bee in his bonnet about the anniversary celebration.
3.During the period of our school’s establishment anniversary, we will hold conversazione, speech, sodality and perfomances for our schoolfellows.
4.For an anniversary present Stuart took me to the opera and we had seats in the dress circle.
作为种年纪念礼物, 斯图尔特带我去听歌剧, 我们的座位就在第层楼厅的前排。
5.This past week, volunteers from Red Cross and Red Crescent societies around the world gathered in Solferino to mark the anniversary.
6.He bought her a diamond ring on their tenth wedding anniversary.
7.They celebrate their wedding anniversary annually.
8.When Carlson's marketing arm arranges an event for a client (to celebrate an anniversary, say), the group's Carlson Wagonlit travel agents make the necessary bookings for those invited to the event.