11.They also carried automated laser cannon turrets programmed to attack inceptor starfighters, along with armor plating and advanced shields that defended against both turbolasers and ion cannons.
12.The ACR "rifles" used smoothbore barrels to fire single or multiple flechette per round, rather than bullets, to provide long range, flat trajectory, and armor piercing abilities.
13.Harry and Ron seized him under the armpits and pulled him out, while a suit of armor at the top of the stairs creaked and clanked, laughing wheezily (GF12).
14.Profile is poriferous cavity, advocate the liner steel that there is Lengza armor plate to be made inside antrum, in order to increases the strength of window of model steel door.
15.Shortly before I started painting in March, I found that the new joints were still too long because the skirt armors could not properly encage the hip as shown in the third photo.