1.Before travelling we must ensure the availability of petrol and oil.
2.An additional advantage is the availability of Jet A1 vs AVGAS.
3.Yield and N uptake response by non-nodulated soybean to increased P availability is marginal.
4.The availability of cheap long-term credit would help small business.
5.The availability of public transport is also part of the equation.
6.The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it.
7.Conclusion 10% chloral hydrate anesthesia and glass cannula enswathement are availability for mouse tail skin transplatation.
8.Availability: Applicable for skin with acne, rough pores and acarid which are common during adolescency.
9.Results show that P availability in latosol derived from shallow-sea deposit is higher than that in latosol derived from basalt.
10.The analysis results and concepts equally go for the availability analysis of the repairability system of N components connected in parallel.
11.Our target is to build a secure computing distributed environment that has the feature of secrecy, integrity, availability, verifiability, controllability and ubiquity.
12.Availability of Oxygen-The degree of anaerobiosis is a principal factor controlling fermentations. with yeasts. when large amounts of oxygen are present, yeast cell production is promoted.
13.When the plants are under water for this length of time they have enough water availability for a long enough period of time to completely rehydrate.