1.He enjoys making caustic remarks about other people.
2.He opened his mouth to make a caustic retort.
3.A improved process of p-amino-N,N-dimethylaniline applied caustic soda solution as materials was introduced.
4.Corrosively medium for chemical production such as sodium hydrate,caustic soda,sulfuric acid,nitric acid,acetic acid,fatty acid.
5.As caustic solution prewashing of FCC gasoline discharges lots of lye, it is nec essary to improve the process.
6.By use of caustic washing electrofining method to decrease the acidity of straight run diesel oil,serious diesel oil emulsification problem can occure often.
7.Chronic and toxic can have ball backsight neuritis, inspect dish of oedema, retinal hemal convulsion, haemorrhage, oozy, eye shot is short of caustic and centrality stricture.
8.By CEDI unit, acid and caustic regeneration is not necessary. the CEDI unit is able to produce stable-quality DI water and has no pollution to environment.
9.Disease of kidney soft spot is photographed in abdominal X line piece in can show increscent kidney outline, radiography of road of vein make water shows much place plentiful is short of caustic.