1.Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.
2.His business skill complements her flair for design.
3.Through these researches, we design a novel Enterprise Data Integration architecture, impalement the prototype system, and complement functional test.
4.Objective To evaluate the performance of complement depend micro-lymphocytotoxicity assay (CDMA) for the detection of human leucocyte antigen-B27 (HLA-B27).
5.ColorSpace is a free and educational software for the demonstration of color mixing, color definition, and color complements in CIE color space.
6.This paper gives the kinds of complements: noun clauses which function as subject and object; tenseless embedded sentence; noun clauses governed by prepositions.
7.So, as the complement for the bimaceral polyurea, the single-polyurea has the wide application foreground in the anti-crash and anti-seepage in the hydropower project.
8.Zesty flavors aromas of tropical fruit such as kiwi, gooseberry, pineapples and mangos with a hint of grassiness are complemented by creamy citrus notes.
9.The multifamily courtyard condominium development announces the arrival of modern urban living to complement the entertainment, hospitality and retail revival under way in Hollywood.
10.The happiniess of mankind will be realized when men and women coordinate and advance equally,for each is the complement and the helpmeet of the other.
11.Phycological Research is the quarterly official journal of the Japanese Society of Phycology.It published by the Japanese Society of Phycology and complements the Japanese Journal of Phycology.
12.Results from heteroduplex analysis are more stable and repeatable than those of SSCP and they may complement each other.Heteroduplex-SSCP analysis has the advantages of heteroduplex and SSCP analyses.