1.You must not peek while you are counting in such games as hide-and-seek.
象捉迷藏一类游戏中, 你时绝对不能偷看。
2.I'm counting on you to persuade her.
3.I'm counting on you to help me through!
4.There are thirty people in the classroom, counting the teacher.
把师上, 教室里有30个人。
5.The whole world was counting down to the new millennium.
6.The little girl could only remember her numbers by counting out.
个小女孩只有大声, 才能记得住字。
7.Paw print, or pugmark, tracing is another common technique for counting tigers.
8.I passed the time by counting the cars that drove past the school.
9.I’ve been late for school three times this week—but who’s counting?
10.Then the decimal base which is composed by74LS90 and 74LS08 and senary counting circuit.
11.They're counting the ballots.
12.By exampling, it is posepole that quantitative counting and qualitative reviewing durable resistance about liquid corrosion on concrete.
13.Appropriate dilutions were made on tryptone-glucose-yeast extract-agar (Difco) and incubated at 37 C for 48 hr before counting.
14.I’ve tried a hot drink at bedtime and counting sheep,but I just can’t seem to get to sleep these days.
15.A quadrupler frequency circuit is applied to take advantage of the inherent resolution of encoders, and improve the counting precision effectively.
16.Thereby, the method of nephelometer could replace colony counting method, and it would become the best way to count the number of Oenococcus oeni.
17.Methods Colophony globules were administered to rats by gastrogavage and the gastric emptying rate was calculated by counting the number of colophony globules in stomach.
18.The arithmetic of erosion to delete burr and thinning was carried out for image processing and counting of bar steel rankly on the transmission bench before bounded.
19.Corrections for chemiluminescence were also applied as needed but were minimized by the use of the luminescence suppressing cocktail Aquagel and dark equilibration of samples prior to counting.