1.Here is another example of degenerative osteoarthritis in which there is prominent "lipping" of the vertebrae.
2.Motion deblurring is to restore the origin image from motion blurred image using image degenerative prior knowledge.
摘要 运动模糊复就是利用运动模糊退化的某种先验知识来重复原有图像。
3.Synchysis scintillans is a degenerative condition of the eye resulting in liquified vitreous humor and the accumulation of cholesterol crystals within the vitreous.
4.Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a degenerative disorder of myelin, a complex fatty neural tissue that insulates many nerves of the central and peripheral nervous systems.
5.The knobby excrescences at the left side of this vertebral column are due to degenerative osteoarthritis. This is the pronounced "lipping" of the vertebral bodies.