1.His new book is a demonstration of his patriotism.
2.The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.
3.During his demonstration, master woodcarver Prew Savoy showed us how to construct a wooden table.
4.1895 The earliest demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film was given at Paris by Auguste and Louis Lumiere.
5.It sucks! Don't name it as a movie but a demonstration film exhibiting the animation and an actress with embonpoint.
6.ColorSpace is a free and educational software for the demonstration of color mixing, color definition, and color complements in CIE color space.
7.InWuthering HebotS, Emily Bronte reveals her subtIe understanding ofhuman Iove and death by means of demonstration of different love anddeath of the characters.
8.We ought to attend to the undemonstrated sayings and opinions of experienced and older people or of people of practical wisdom not less than to demonstrations.
9.Five, toy type cat cat:Main use is demonstration, arrestive, rightness light fondle it of stranger with keep it of the host be similar friendly, neurotic and easy frightened.