3.Follow the direction of senior designer or ECAD Manager.
4.Center not only has the ID of experienced designers, CAID.
5.The book designer will have to redo the masterpieces layouts.
6.Aerodynamicist Klaus Huenecke of Airbus has developed a “passive” scheme based on so-called designer vortices.
7.The dress designer was adept at draping and cutting the fabric without using a pattern.
8.Italian designers unveiled their latest look.
9.Chow Yeuk Fan is a successful fashion designer, her six years old son, Siu Wai, is missing.
10.He’s a fashion designer who’s always swum against the stream; his work is very original.
11.The professional logo designer works from scratch, the way a patissier creates his ultimate signature mille-feuille.
12.Designer Paul Berger created Paki as a edutainment way for school kids to learn about energy consumption.
13.In designing the car, we took our cue from other designers who aimed to combine low cost with low petrol consumption.
14.Every moment of the fashion industry’s misery is richly deserved by the designers and magazine poltroons who perpetuate this absurd creation.
15.Some forms of infanticide in ancient societies, present-day reprogenetics, preemptive abortions and designer babies have been (sometimes controversially) referred to as eugenic.
16.The designers of these circuits based them on the same concept: a fully integrated, single-die-IC switching regulator and a micropower operational amplifier.
17.OK for this project we need 1 system design engineer 1 UI designer 2 programmers 2 software testers 1 deployer and 1 technical writer.
18.User goals are not the only type of goals that designers need to take into account. Customer goals, business goals, and technical goals are all nonuser goals.
19.Few people realize there's a correct way to shampoo your hair, says George Caroll, a stylist, hair product designer, and consultant to the entertainment and beauty industry in Hollywood.
George Caroll是一位发型、头发产品计以及好莱坞娱乐与美容业顾问,他说很少人会意识到洗头还有正确的方法。
20.Close up, the workmanship that went into each ripple and shadowy layer of tulle was inimitably precious, yet somehow the designers successfully dodged the hazard of veering into overdone froufrou.