He was as devious as his adversary was ruthless.
他的对手冷酷, 他也同样阴险。
He was as devious as his adversary was ruthless.
他的对手冷酷, 他也同样阴险。
His devious nature was shown in half-lies and small dishonesties.
She led him by devious ways to the meeting place.
Apsidal transfer can be carried out straightforwardly or by devious ways.
Susan is a devious person and we can't depend on her.
He's a devious, secret person and I don't trust him.
他是一狡猾诡秘的人, 我不相信他。
Let's take the devious route home to avoid the crowds in the main roads.
为了避免大街上的拥挤, 我们还是绕道回家去吧。
The principle of No Trial Without Charge, which regulates the relation of accusant and judge, is the basic principle in criminal action.Its content is very plentiful and history devious.