8.To introduce the clinical effect of the dorsal cutaneous nerve of fingers nutrient vessel skin flap repairing the paratelum of finger cutaneous deficiency.
9.Thin spinal cord slices with attached dorsal root were obtained with a vibratome and whole-cell patch-clamp configuration was established under the infrared observation.
10.In the posterior segment, its dorsoventral axis was the longest, and could be divided into two parts: the dorsal and the ventral parts.
11.Distinct series on head region included the nasal, supraorbital, infraorbital, postorbital, oral, mandibular, gular, supraspiracular series and pair of dorsal line on the body.
12.The transversal cervical artery and the dorsal scapular artery in the trapezius muscle and the rhomboideus muscle were observed and measured on30 cadavers(adult males).
13.These results indicate that GABABR-LI terminals in the spinal dorsal horn originate from peripheral afferent fibers, supraspinal structures and interneurons within the spinal dorsal horn.
14.Conclusions Tenodesis using the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon is a simple and effective procedure for treatment of distal radioulnar joint dorsal subluxation without arthritic change.
15.After partial deafferentation of spinal cord of adult cat, the expression of NGF in dorsal horn, which is the target area of dorsal root afferent fibers, up-regulated.
16.Methods The distally based dorsalis pedes island flap based on the first dorsal metatarsal artery,was used to treat the distal portion of the foot in fourteen patients.