3.The fire ejected yellow flames into the night sky.
4.The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.
5.This safety invention will eject the pilot from a burning plane.
6.The police came and ejected the noisy youths from the cafe room.
7.The police ejected them.
8.Lava ejected from the volcano.
9.Three members were ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that they owed.
因不能偿还欠款, 三名会员被该会开除了。
10.Bright ejecta rays such as these are produced as impacts excavate and eject relatively unweathered subsurface material.
11.It's annoying that the chimneys of those plants in the city eject a lot of smoke every day.
12.Unlike their more massive counterparts, sunlike stars are thought to die gracefully by ejecting their outer gaseous layers in a nonexplosive process that takes about 10,000 years.
13.The characteristic of this air conditioning is to carry water of eject mist shape, absorb pelagian the bacterium in air, dirt and insalubrious gas, produce an anion.