1.I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation.
2.Tea table, resemble an elf same, in the beautification of the bedroom personate is worn indispensable costar part.
3.Am I to take the easy trail of contem-plation and sedentary existence, so common to the elves of Toril?
4.I wanted to believe like I believed last year — that Santa was a big fat elf in a red suit.
5.So the figure of the little elf produced by Zhang Shuang, whom I never met, joined the exhibition field of Animation Aesthetics Biyearly Exhibition held by Shanghai Contemporary Artistic Museum.
6.Third TaleA mother had her child taken from the cradle by elves.In its place they laid a changeling with a thick head and staring eyes who would do nothing but eat and drink.