3.He looked like a postman but he was really a fake.
看上去像个邮递员, 但实际上是个骗子。
4.He faked an interest in my work.
5.He's not an overacter or a fake posturer.
6.I thought he was really unhurt but he was faking.
我原以为真的没有, 不料只是在佯装没而已。
7.I don't think some mug will buy his fake jewellery.
8.These are fake diamonds.
9.The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate .
10.The fake commodities, such as tonyred, poisonous milk and so on, might result in a series of problems.
11.It now seems that some of the officials were on the take, accepting bribes and then issuing fake passports.
12.You could try to fake out the teacher by handing in your book as though you'd done the work.
你不妨捉弄一下老师, 就像你已完成作业那样把本子交给。
13.Fake drowning is thought to be the most common method of pseudocide because it makes the absence of a body seem more plausible.
14.This charmless message prompted an angry underling to set up a fake Twitter account in Soden's name with tweets that say “I love my life” and “Analyst slacking again.