1.The sea fisheries are an important industry in Norway.
2.State superintendence of fisheries shall operate under the principle of unified leadership and decentralized administration.
3.Chub mackerel (Scomber Japonicus) is one of the important pelagic fishery resources in the China's coastal waters.
4.Food fish (Oncorhynchus nerka) of the North Pacific that constitutes almost 20% of the commercial fishery of Pacific salmon.
北平洋食用鱼,学名为Oncorhynchus nerka。几平洋鲑鱼产量的20%。
5.Statolith in the cephalopod is an important source of ecological information, and mastering the morphologic features of the statolith is fundamental to fisheries biology.
6.In the 1970s, for instance, West Coast trawlers were landing 11,000 tonnes of bocaccio a year.In 2001, just before the fishery was closed, the catch was 214 tonnes.
7.Mussa Aboud Jumbe, Zanzibar's director of fisheries, went on state radio to warn the public against eating the dolphin meat, saying the cause of death had not been determined.