5.He plays golf to the exclusion of all other sports.
6.The eighth at Banff is one of the world’s great golf holes.
班的第8 洞是世界上最棒的洞之一。
7.I do enjoy golf a lot.
8.The "woman" is a kilted Scot, and the "monster" is his bagpipe.The Scot challenges Bugs to a game of golf.
苏格兰之旅 My Bunny Lies over the sea剧情简介: In Scotland, Bugs Bunny rescues a woman from a monster.
9.Miniature golf, a putting game on fancifully designed courses, became popular in the 1930s.Pitch and putt is a shorter version of the standard game.
10.And yet in that context we are still seeing golf course grassing plans that promote large areas of irrigated amenity grassland, dominated by water demanding grass species.
11.We mainly producing in golf radium simulator, gradienter simulator of golf club, velometer of golf club, bags of golf balls and clothes, golf shoes, golf hats and other relative products.