1.Teledata with the world's leading technology vendor providing IP-based convergence solutions, contact centre solutions, telecommunications infrastructure, wireless infrastructure.
2.He also undertook to earmark $235 billion in government expenditure on infrastructure projects within five years.
3."bizonal" service area for leisure and business office areas, including shopping, office services, community services, improving infrastructure systems.
4.The construction of relevant stadiums and facilities and preparations for bioenvironmental, social and urban infrastructure development are all underway in an orderly manner.
5.Three forces are combining with deadly effect on the Indian Ocean island, which is incalculably rich in wildlife but impoverished in basic infrastructure.
6.Article 4Pipeline installations are significant infrastructures and shall be protected by laws.No unit or individual may disseise, destroy, steal or loot any pipeline installations.
第四条 管道设施是重要的基础设施,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵占、破坏、盗窃、哄抢。
7.Such migrants should not be considered "resourceless victims" and financial assistance needed to go beyond basic humanitarian aid and pay for infrastructure such as schools and hospitals.
8.Estacion traditional oenology seeks to highlight the best of what chilean wines can offer, using state-of-the-art infrastructure to preserve the aromas and flavors of each grape variety.