1.(3) the colour of ubiety for juxtapositional, insertion, and so on.
2.Objective To research the efficacy of treating absolute glaucoma by deep layer sclera strap insertion combined with cycloanemization.
3.Tympanostomy tube insertion is the meet effective treatment approach for OME, but there are also some sequelae.
4.The deque class is like a vector, but also supports fast insertion and deletion at the front of the deque.
5.A change that involves the insertion of a consonant or vowel sound to the middle of a word is known as epenthesis.
6.Rates or special bookings such as leaflet insertion, advertorial is available by quotation. Any confirmed bookings are not allowed to cancel.
7.Electronic attack can deceive or desensitize enemy battle commanders through insertion of spurious radar tracks or blot out entire avenues of approach.
8.Abstract.The first orbit maneuver of lunar orbit insertion (LOI) must be implemented at the first perilune of the spacecraft flight to the moon.
9.Objective To explore the effect of myringotomy with insertion of tube and tympanocentesis on alleviating secretory otitis media(SOM) and hearing loss in cleft palate infants.
10.The agriculturist, Wang Chen-ho creations of wood for insertion of success, he also invented the punner racks, with a simple machine, increasing the efficiency of the typesetting.
11.Conclusions The facial appearance is improved by the above operations in cases who have worn artificial eye a long time, particularly the insertion of Medpor for correction of lower lid chalasis.