1.In this paper, the two-photon autoionization involving second-order ionization process under strong laser field is investigated.
2.Tetrachloroethane in air was collected by activated carbon,desorped with carbon disulfide,separated by GDX-103 chromatography column,and detected by flame ionization detector.
3.Desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry of twelve metallohematoporphyrin complexes has been investigated under DEP condition using mixture of tetramethylsilane and methane as regent gas.
4.Acid intensity of hydrosulfuric acid and stepwise ionization balance were discussed by the use of thermodynamic principle, which are helpful to inorganic chemistry teaching.
5.Uranium isotope abundance ratio has been measured by total sample evaporation and signal integration,and a thermal surface ionization mass sepctrometry equipped with multicollector has been used.
6.The Air Kerma Rate of 125I sources is determined by the well-type ionization chamber.Thereafter the apparent activity of 125I sources is calculated and measured results are anylyzed.