14.Clicking on this button will recompute the vignetting factors for each field based upon the current lens data.
15.The influence of input beam size on the maximum intensity in the focus of singlet lens and achromat was compared.
16.Objective To discuss the effect of individualized nursing care after traumatic cataract phacectomy associated with artificial lens implanted in children.
17.The principle of secondary spectrum is introduced and the equations of designing apochromatism objective lens based on wave aberration are presented.
18.This causes it to polymerise and then change shape, which means the ophthalmologist can tweak the lens to alter its power.
19.Mercurialism eye ministry appears mercurialism sex crystalline lens changes, inspect a function to damage drop for central eyesight, view is narrow.
20.Cynosure was the first with the CAP technology and micro lens array and I believe that is best approach to fractionalize resurfacing.