1.In silicate minerals and magnetites existed isomorph tin.
2.Quartz, zircon, magnetite, gold are major constituents of littoral placers in Shandong province, while shell, ballstone, ilmenite, rutile being secondary.
3.Apart from magnetite and almandine garnet, the skarn also contains these minerals: idocrase, actinolite, epidote, fluorite and andradite (another garnet mineral).
4.Evolving process of hub dynamo which used in bicycle is presented. The performance of magnetite viz. ferrimagnetism or NdFeB is analyzed. The prospect of marketing is viewed.
5.For sinter with 25% and 50% MAC fines the iron oxides mainly consisted of hematite and magnetite, the bonding phase were mainly dicalcium silicate, glassiness, and a few amount of calcium ferrite.