3.I received a reply from the firm's managing director.
4.The managing director agreed to receive a deputation from the factory.
5.Radiographic pelvimetry is of limited value in managing most cephalic presentations.
6.He gained the ear of the managing director and voiced his opinion.
他说的话总经理愿意倾听, 是他就直抒己见了。
7.The managing director's only concern was how to improve the quality of their products.
8.As managing editor of the Chicago Tribune (from 1855), he set its antislavery editorial policy.
9.The managing director's calm words dispelled the clerks' fears of being cut down.
10.The Foreign Minister refuted the assertion that the developing countries are incapable of managing their industries.
11.The managing director denied that the merger was a done deal, and said they were still in negotiations.
总经理否认合并已经敲定, 声称此事仍在商讨中。
12.Structured Query Language (SQL), in computer science, is a database sublanguage used in querying, updating, and managing relational databases.
13.Customer tagmeme management is a kind of business strategy,which focuses on understanding and managing present and potential customer's requirements.
14.With high interest rates and a wages freeze, many householders are only just managing to keep their heads above water.
实行高利率和工资冻结措施, 许多户主能做的只是使自己免负。
15.The offer of more money clinched it for her. She agree to undertake the job as the assistant to the managing director.
16.In managing nigrify dragon river to save rice to be developed in the market dispersedly, increased a lot of inside bad news.
17.Proteomics could also be vital to the future of the pharmaceutical industry, says Jessica Chutter, managing director and co-director of biotechnology for Morgan Stanley.
18.After reading this article, clinicians should be better equipped to successfully implement splint therapy into their armamentarium of treatment options in managing masticatory system disorders.
19.The centrical thought of The Kieh Hexagram is the control of limit on cultivating one's moral character and governing one's family and managing the state.
20.A high suspicion of AICA infarction should be considered in managing patients with acute vertigo and limb dysmetria, especially in patients with risk factors for stroke.