That’s why Craig and Mignonne Wilson chose to make their home here in 1985.
为此,佳尔伟迅与妻子马哥尼在 1985 年带着幼女鲁思(现在的市场经理) 及长女丽贝卡(现在的酿酒师) 选择在这里建造他们的家。
That’s why Craig and Mignonne Wilson chose to make their home here in 1985.
为此,佳尔伟迅与妻子马哥尼在 1985 年带着幼女鲁思(现在的市场经理) 及长女丽贝卡(现在的酿酒师) 选择在这里建造他们的家。
When I was a child, my Sunday school teacher who taught me the Psalms and the stories about Jesus when I was in just kindergarten, her name was Mignonne Williams, a very kind and sweet woman.