1.What do not cold-shoulder mom is vixenish -- because this also is of mom,love.
2.His mom's head was injured too when the robber threw his parang at her.
3.My dad spent $500 on a new coat and my mom had a cow.
4.Mom just about pees herself laughing.
5."What are you doing, mom?"
6.His 30-yesr-old druggie doesn't work and sponges off his mom by making promises he never keeps.
7.Bonobo mothers almost never discipline their young even when they steal food right out of mom's mouth!
8.Mom said, eyes look at is, ears are used to hearing, I said to Mouth is lippy (Quarrel).
9."When I was younger,'' he went on, chattily, "my mom once pulled me off the court because of my temper.
10.The little girl made correct reaction immediately that she held her mom's head out of water to avoid asphyxy by choking water.
11.Babies whose moms have too much milk will often exhibit symptoms such as fussing, pulling off the breast, colicky crying, gassiness, spitting up, and hiccupping.
12.Right now we're working on starting his college fund… and socking away money for his education will make me a very happy mom over the next 18 years.
13.Her mother was a pop princess and material girl in the 1980s -- and it looks as though Madonna's daughter, Lourdes Leon, is following in her trendsetting mom's footsteps.