1.Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.
2.It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.
3.No one really knows what motivated him to do so.
4.Everything she does is motivated only by a desire for money.
5.You have first got to motivate the children and then to teach them.
你首先得激发孩子学习兴趣, 然后再去教他。
6.Employees are motivated to work harder for a whole host of different reasons.
7.He is motivated by good intentions.
8.Wendy is the real live wire of the department who motivates all the others.
温迪是这个部门活跃分子, 对其他很有激发力。
9.Much of what we are about centers on the same impulses to eat, procreate, fight or flee that motivated Fred Flintstone.
10.It tends to be disposed of by adding moral coloration to actions that are really motivated by expediency, and an expediential coloration to actions that are motivated by moral and humanitarian values.