1.We like him personally, but dislike his way of living.
我们喜欢这个人, 但不喜欢的生活方式。
2.I was talking about people having smelly socks, and I’m afraid Mike took it personally.
3.I am not personally acquainted with her.
4.Personally I take Emma’s part on this matter.
5.The education minister personally persuaded the prime minister to rethink.
6.I like him personally, but I hate what he believes in.
我喜欢这个人, 但我讨厌所信仰的东西。
7.The ambassador personally conveyed the president's message to the premier.
8.Personally, I think he is a very good man, but you may not agree.
就个人而言, 我认为是个很好的人, 但你也许不同意。
9.You didn't really expect the President to respond personally to your letter, did you?
10.But many other people regard his actions as deplorable .I personally think the president committed impeachable offences .
11.Yeah, I personally feel like I don't act for likability, I act for the truth of the character.
12.Personally I don’t think he’s very attractive, but they say beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, don’t they?
13.Lifestyle is expensive monetarily and personally, because it costs a great deal to keep up appearances and do what you think is socially acceptable.