1.The quality of a photographic reproduction decreases with time.
2.His photographic memory enabled him to tuck away yards of facts.
3.Photographic silver halide emulsious are spectrally sensitized with a tricarbocyanine dye .
4.The wrong chemical balance can cause severe distortion of the photographic image.
5.I belong to a photographic club.
6.French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
7.Rowboats beached along a shore are captured in an early color photographic process called Autochrome.
8.Anastigmatic lens: Photographic lens corrected for astigmatism as well as other distortions.
9.I found the cheapest price for enlarging the photograph by ringing round all the photographic dealers.
我给所有的馆都打了电话, 找到了放大片要价最低的地方。
10.Daguerre:French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints.
11.Early history of the photographic sky maps with wide-angle astrograph is reviewed briefly.12 famous patrol atlases and maps are outlined.
12.In his works, we can see how it presents the details required by photographic techniques, and it also shows us a lonely faquir worship and travel in the vast land.
13.We acquire the data of forenamed stated via the matter of fact flight test on a type aircraft by putting to use two high-speed photographics and get 3-D motion parameters perspective views.