3.It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.
4.Determine the most probable position (s)of the electron for each eigenstate.
5.It is probable that she might change her mind at the last minute.
6.A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual-facial-buccal dyskinesia was made.
7.He is a probable candidate.
8.A storm is probable today.
9.Merson and Wright are probables.
10.He is so rash that he is blind to the probable results of his rude words.
11.Inference, which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality.
12.Results prove that worst-case or root-sum-square analyses are not adequate to predict probable performance accurately.A Monte Carlo analysis must be performed.
【文献摘要】A numerical analysis indicates that tolerance stackup effects in free-space optical interconnects are significant even for short systems containing few components.
13.Last December scientists announced the probable extinction of the first mammal because of climate change: the white lemuroid possum, now gone from Queensland, Australia.
14.It brings out that the plight about choose live or death in life ethic of iatrology is a special probable and impuissant condition which can be settled by compreh...
15.Besides, We indicated the main adavantages of this means and probable way of overcoming its shortage, that is, method of difference value of isoporic lines is used to process data of some stations.
16.In a ten-foot dingey one can get an idea of the resources of the sea in the line of waves that is not probable to the average experience, which is never at sea in a dingey.