2.The pungent, choking smell of sulphur filled the air.
3.A new nanoencapsulation was established in which small nanocapsules with gelatin wall could be fabricated,capsulizing the capsaicin having pungent odor.
4.The person that runs towards the sun must be experienced purgatorial like pungent, just can poke black clouds to see rosy clouds.
5.ScienceDaily (Jan. 4, 2009) — Sinalbin, the same compound that gives white mustard its pungent flavor, could also prove useful in fighting weeds.
6.Nutritional Effects: the main ingredients of pungent taste in ginger include zingerone, ginger alcohol and ginger hydroxybenzene which are volatile to some extend.
7.The author introduced the nutrition and health function, source, main nutriture and effect constituent of several Korean traditional fermented food stressed on the pungent cabbage.