1.This is something he can be reasoned into, given time.
如果有时间, 这件事是可以劝他接受的。
2.I reasoned from his silence that he was unhappy.
3.The lawyer reasoned against any changes being made in the law.
那位律师摆出道理, 反对对法律的任何修改。
4.I have reasoned him out of his wish to go to America.
5.Father must be reasoned out of driving home in such dangerous conditions.
6.Several pages of closely reasoned argument preface her account of the war.
7.The feasibility of the ausforming used in producing coal cutter was reasoned.
8.He reasoned that if we start at now, we could arrive before noon.
他争辩着说如果我们现在出发, 中午之前一定能到达。
9.The workers have reasoned out that the real power is in their own hands.
10.I reasoned that somebody important must have been at the other end of the line.
11.The employer reasoned from his opinion of the workers and decided to increase their pay.
12.The group— from the laboratories of one of us (Collier) and George M.Whitesides—reasoned that a plugged heptamer would be unable to draw the factors into cells.