4.The seams of the boat must be filled in if they leak.
5.The fifth is assigned to crack shaft (with the doline in the same seam).
6.He started to leave the room, tripping over a loose seam in the slatternly carpet.
7.All of our hospitals are bursting at the seams; we have to build new ones urgently.
8.Based on the thermojunction assignment test, actual thermal cycling curve of welded seam heat-affected zone is obtained.
9.Silverly grey woven track jacket, vertical green strips on both shoulders, sleeves and along the side seams.
10.This has the advantage of no ugly caulked seams to mildew or open up, no mica to loosen.
11.The Coal Measures Strata are divided into 1 super-sequence and 3 sequences on the basis of paleostructure surface,widespread overlap unconformability,coal seam,and channel lag deposit.
12.Attention: Not quite popular already in distribute seam a part to also be mixed because of flank from the back assuasive wave appears lovely.
13.During design and fabrication of offshore platform module, the shrink of wilding seam often causes interbedded crack on the main padeye plate and the column.
14.Add shirring to back joint waist seam.Ensure shirring matches shirring along front waist seam.
15.Lisa ran her forefinger along the seam of her duffel bag, its microfield sealing up behind as if she had touched it with a magic wand.
16.Position the pattern pieces on the right side of the fabric along the matching crosswise grain line, in order to keep the design balanced.This procedure will aid in mitering seams.
17.In the amity I speak of,they intermix and confound themselves one in the other,with so universal a commixture,that they weave out and can no more find the seam that has conjoined them together.
18.Customers can use this bender together with plain locking seam former,round airduct locking seam formers and L-steel round flange bender to complete to complete round airducts thoroughly.