1.Palisade tissue is rich in saliferous vacuoles, while vascular bundle sheath is obvious.
2.Seamless sheath of ether-based urethane resistant to cathodic, hydraulic and other environmental conditions.
3.All the results demonstrated pyrenoid and starch sheath were closely related with photosynthetic function.
4.The micrib belonging to bicollateral bundle is well developed.The bundle sheath is composed of idioblasts.
5.Objective: To isolate and culture hair outer root sheath amelanotic melanocyte derived from human scalp.
6.In Japan the leaf sheaths are always conspicuously tuberculate-hispid; the older, lower sheaths with disarticulated blades are glabrescent and spotted with tubercles.
7.Applying basic magnetofluiddynamic theory, the author analyzes the model flowing in plasma sheath under the combined action of magnetic and electric field.