2.She complained about the summary treatment given her.
3.In summary, all government departments are administered rather differently.
概括地说, 各政府部门的管理方式是很不相同的。
4.Frontier courts hanged many a prisoner after a summary trial.
5.He was given the summary punishment.
6.Objective To summary the clinicopathological characteri zation and diagnostic experience of children s blastoma.
7.He gave a summary account.
8.Thermal biology research of Rana chensinensis in different development stages(egg,embryo,tadpole,froglet and adult)was carried on the summary.
9.The thesis ends with a summary of the characteristics of CAPPA's software, and also poses several suggestions for CAPPA's future perfection.
最后总结了 CAPPA系统软件的特点,提出了完善CAPPA系统的几点设想。
10.You see him, high stature, broad shoulder, upright and foursquare and the face with summary duskily belt, show the hale physique with our country peculiar northerner.
11.Years later, my daughter found my old report cards and was delighted to learn I got an F in deportment -- with a note from Mother Marita Joseph that I was to leave the summary executions to her.