1.Piezoelectricity type supersonic generator works actually using the resonance of piezocrystal.
2.These planes travel at supersonic speeds.
3.Shell Aviation specially developed AeroShell Turbine Oil 555 lubricant for Rolls Royce for use in supersonic transport.
4.In gasdynamics and chemical lasers, the supersonic diffuser plays an important role in the pressure recovery system.
5.The showcase, by running a small train, displays Doppler speed testing, materials detection, noise monitoring, supersonic distance testing, track weighing, and photoreader, etc.
6.The results show that the unstart boundary of supersonic inlets is mainly concerned with Mach number of freestream without considering the variation of angle of attack.
7.On condition that the front body shape of the projectile is unchangeable,a formula is obtained for determining the relation between the optimum boattail angle and the supersonic flight region.