1.The kitchen decorates fashionable, especially blue nogging, appear outstanding in black and white supplement.
2.She supplements her diet with eggs and fruit.
3.The text is supplemented by an adequate glossary.
4.He supplements his income with part-time or home work.
5.He supplements his ordinary income by writing books.
6.A supplement to this dictionary may be published next year.
7.They had to get a job to supplement the family income.
8.The most intelligent students do additional reading to supplement the material in the textbook.
9.The meeting was very lively and informal with everyone chipping to supplement or refute what the speakers said.
会议开得很活跃, 不拘束, 每个人都能插话充, 或反驳发言者的讲话。
10.It recently studied the herb Rhodiola rosea, also known as roseroot, and is due to evaluate the supplement citrulline malate.
11.The clubber's number on member's evidence. Use The DNH Clubber's number shows that you have accepted our regulations change or supplement.
12.The melamine is truly one kind can the pathogenesis chemistry supplement, but this was not equal to after all said it is one toxicoid.
13.The nutrition supplement used in this study, while not commercially available, was made of widely available foods (skim milk powder, Incaparina, and sugar), Dr.
14.To solving the skin hydropenia problem, besides the traditional water supplement and moistening measures, the unimpeded transportation of water supply channel is also a key point.
15.The resistance to float relates to the attributes and conditions of the ground water, the pressure and floatage of water, the change of water level and the sudden supplement of water.