2.The timber is graded according to its thickness.
3.In vitrain bands the density and fractal dimension of fractures related to the thickness and lithotyp...
4.Abstract:ObjectiveTo observe the effects of Shi Yi Fang vinum on deep partial thickness burn wound in rats.
5.The sulphide layer with a certain thickness was produced on 45(1045) steel by low temperature ion sulphurizing process.
6.The functionally graded layers are inhomogeneous along the thickness direction, while the piezoelectric layer is homogeneous;both possess material orthotropy.
7.Measure the strength of base element respectivly by X-ray fluorescent spectrometer to obtain the thickness of gold membrance and cating.
8.Conclusions were drawn:thickness of sclerenchyma correlates with gemination percentage,and was in inverse proportion to gemination percentage.
9.(6) on the same thickness, the bond strength of blockboard with Okoume as the surface board is better than Acajou.
10.The mainstructure parameters of spirally grooved tube are diameter of tube, fin pitch,corrugation depth, wall thickness, spirally angle and spira.
11.The results show that high pinning field could be obtained with appropriate thickness and magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant of cell boundary phase.
12.Histopathologic examination showed hyperkeratosis of epidermis, increased thickness of the granular layer and dilation of subpapillary vessels filled with red blood cells.
13.Factors that affecting the nurse seed grafting of the everblooming Camellia are the haleness status of and degree of thickness of cions, etc.
14.However, after about 20 hours, the anodic film thickness decreased sufficiently to allow the faradaic processes toinerease to, the final steady state value.
15.We have introduced Japanese Minolta, computerized color spectrometer, coating thickness tester, vancometer, pencil hardometer, water spraying machines and the like professional inspection equipment.
16.Since a mutual diffusion between adhesive layer and matrix and a innerstress on interfaces exist,there is a optimal thickness of adhesive layer in composites.
17.Several amorphic carbon films with different thickness were deposited on single crystal silicon by means of pulse laser ablating graphet target at room temprature.
18.Experiment with different colors and thicknesses of paper to tone down the flash from superbright white to a more pleasing glow for evening photos.
19.Ordinarily, the thickness of velocity boundary layer and grid Reynolds number are used as the delimitating standards for flow field and aerothermal heating computations respectively.