2.We often turn to this handbook for information on transistors.
3.This factory entered into transistor production more than forty years ago.
4.The chopped waveshapes of an avalanche transistor and krytron electrooptics gates are compared by streak camera measurement.
5.The micro-EDM prototype was composed of three dimensional stage,transistor type isopulse generator with pulse duration of 80ns,and environmental maintaining system.
6.Ambipolar transistors are attractive for realizing complementary-like organic integrated circuits, which operate with low power dissipation, wide noise margins and great operational stability.
7.Cyclophos phamide by the current-limiting resistor R6 and voltage regulator tube VZ components, the UB voltage for the unijunction transistor VU DC power supply.
8.You cannot unhitch the technology of TV from the many hosts it depends on: radio, silicon transistors, LCD screens, cameras, artificial lighting, and electrical generation.
9.This paper introduce the terminal-port characteristic relation of Nullor and the nullor eguivalent circuit of transistor.A method of analysing and designing parameter of bias circuit is given.